Tuesday 30 April 2013


 So we come to the last day in the A-Z Challenge and today I am bringing you the Zeolite Crystal. This is not actually one crystal but several held together - rather apt I thought on the last day of a month of posts on a theme of gemstones or crystals.

The Zeolite will absorb toxins either from the body or the environment, and strong smells. Very powerful at healing and is used in Reiki as it is so great at detoxifying. It also helps with the response to the healing.

Bury it in the garden so it can benefit growing your plants or herbs. Good for agriculture, too, for that reason. Perhaps I can try some in our allotment, it had a terrible time last year de to the weather - so much rain, and we could do with  better crop this year.

For people who have a problem with retaining in their bodies, such as water, use a Zeolite for it's detoxifying properties, this means it is good for goiters and bloating. We could all do with a good detox now and again, though maybe while trying with more conventional ways such as watching our food and drink intake, but having one of these stones could help with it.  It helps with addictions as well, especially to alcohol.

It removes negative energy in a person and replaces it with happiness. And with that it sounds like a nice stone to end on.

I've had a great time in the A-Z Challenge, meeting lots of you in the process either in here or on your own blogs, and will hopefully be writing a Reflective post about it when the time comes. Hope to see yours, too.


Jer said...

Hi, DayDreamer.

You're right, that is an apt crystal to end on. Congratulations for hanging in there and making it to the end of the A to Z Challenge. Glad to have met you.

Kern Windwraith said...

I just found your blog on this last day of the challenge, and I'm so pleased that I did. What a great theme you chose--and what beautiful photographs. I'm going to have to go back through your earlier posts to find out more about the properties of these various stones and crystals.

Nice to meet you, DayDreamer!