Monday, 26 May 2014

What is Daughter#2 Wearing Today?

Well it's only fair to show what my second daughter wears too, sometimes. This was actually from yesterday. She's in the Army Cadets and this is her parade outfit/uniform/whatever it's called (she'll be cross I don't know the correct terminology, oops) with epaulets, tassels and all. Now and again the cadets go on parades and marches, this was for a fund raiser for a local rugby club. Daughter#2 plays bugle and marches while playing and others play drums, it's all very impressive. They're very good, marching in time, instruments played very well. One day I'll post up a video of a march, perhaps one involving a lot of other paraders such as the ones for Army Forces Day which consisted of WW2 Veterans, Scottish military with bagpipes, Hell's Angels (Yes you read that right, they did their bit in WW2), and lots of old army vehicles now owned by the general public.

Doesn't she look smart?


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi DayDreamer .. your daughter #2 looks amazing .. no wonder you're so proud of her ..

Talented too .. playing the bugle and marching - that must take some skill ..

Yes - definitely a video is due at some stage ..cheers Hilary

DayDreamer said...

Thanks Hilary, she's just come home from Cadets where they all had to clean the barracks where they hold their sessions. If only she was as dedicated to cleaning her room :)

Click said...

I love the contrast between your two daughters' outfits. :-)