Sunday 18 March 2012

Happy Mother's Day

To all you loving mothers out there Happy Mother's Day to you!

I've had a good day today so far. A lovely card from Daughter#1 with a message she'd written inside saying 'you are the best mum!' which kind of surprised me, enough to ask about it with a reply of  'that's what you're meant to say in those cards, isn't it'. Well, never mind the fact she wrote it will do me fine. I also had chocolates and a DVD from her :)

Daughter#2 seems to have missed what today is but that's fine by me too, she'll grow up missing birthdays and other significant dates, probably, but that's just her. She pleased me by coming second in the cookery competition she was in today with her scout group against some other scout groups. She is patrol leader and had to keep order between a couple of the group who were having a bit of a skirmish. She also sewed her own badges on yesterday with the most perfect precise stitches you could ever see, and as it was her first time sewing I was very impressed.

I am now looking forward to a spot of housework and a nice meal from them both - they don't know this yet and it may end up being done by yours truly but so what, just having my girls with me makes every day a good Mother's Day for me.

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